Sigamaq representatives strengthen business in Colombia and Peru

The delegation will visit Alimentec, one of the world’s largest food industry fairs. The trip will also include visits to established customers in both countries, in addition to presenting solutions to other potential buyers. For ten days, a delegation from Sigamaq, a manufacturer of equipment and solutions for post-oven bakery lines located in Massaranduba (SC), […]
January/2022 Promotion

ONLY IN JANUARY/2022: Sigamaq GOLD Combo: Includes: Automatic Set You get SHIPPING, in-person TECHNICAL DELIVERY and in-person Layout CONSULTING during the technical delivery period + in-person technical visit after 30 days. *Or another combo that is at or close to the value described above. Sigamaq SILVER Combo: Includes: Complete Siga 6000 Slicer + Semi-Automatic Slotting […]